Royal Alarune Lines

House of Alarune: A Royal Legacy Through the Ages

We, the House of Alarune, proudly stand today as the living heirs of some of the most ancient and powerful royal dynasties in European history. Our family lineage is not only a testament to the past but a continuation of nobility that thrives in the present. Our bloodline reaches back to the very beginnings of Frankish and Merovingian royalty, and through the centuries, we have inherited a legacy that touches every corner of European nobility. This is our royal story—rooted in greatness, forged through conquest, and intertwined with the rise of empires, continuing into the modern era.

  • Cloderic the Parricide (c. 480–509)
    Our noble journey begins with Cloderic the Parricide, a prince of the Merovingian Dynasty and son of King Sigobert the Lame. His tragic death, orchestrated by Clovis I, marks a turning point in the unification of the Franks. Through him, we connect to one of Europe’s first great ruling families, who laid the foundation of the Frankish kingdoms that shaped the course of history.

As descendants of Cloderic, we trace our lineage to the Merovingians, rulers of the early Frankish state, whose bloodlines would ripple through time and power the rise of later dynasties.

  • Merovingian Dynasty (c. 457–751)
    The Merovingians, our royal forebears, ruled vast territories in Gaul and Germania, shaping early medieval Europe. Their influence echoes down the ages, creating the very political fabric from which later dynasties like the Carolingians and Capetians would emerge.

It is through the end of this dynasty that our family’s connection to the next great European rulers, the Carolingians, begins to form, with the mighty figure of Charles Martel leading the charge.

  • Carolingian Dynasty (751–987)
    The rise of the Carolingians signaled a new era for Europe, and our family shares in the honor of this lineage. Charles Martel, the great warrior known as “The Hammer,” and his legendary grandson, Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor, are pillars of our ancestry. Through Charlemagne’s vast empire and extensive progeny, our bloodline flows into nearly every noble house of Europe.

From Charlemagne, our royal line reaches into the courts of France, Spain, Italy, and beyond. The Carolingians forged an empire that stretched across Europe, establishing the Holy Roman Empire and securing our place in the annals of European royalty.

  • Capetian Dynasty (987–1328)
    With the fall of the Carolingians, the Capetians took the throne of France, and it is through this lineage that we continue our royal descent. Hugh Capet, the founder of the dynasty, is another key figure in our bloodline. The Capetians ruled France for centuries, establishing the line of kings that would intermarry with nearly every noble house on the continent.

The Capetians would eventually give way to the Valois, another royal house tied to our heritage, but not before leaving an indelible mark on European history and our family’s story.

  • Plantagenet Dynasty (1154–1485)
    It is through Edward III, one of the greatest monarchs of England, that the House of Alarune claims direct ties to the Plantagenet Dynasty. Edward III, our ancestor, strengthened England’s power, launched the Hundred Years’ War, and fathered many children who spread our bloodline across Europe.

Through his sons, the House of Lancaster and House of York emerge, weaving us into the very fabric of the English monarchy. The famed Wars of the Roses stem from this lineage, with descendants like Henry VII of the Tudor Dynasty marrying Elizabeth of York, uniting England’s warring factions.

  • Tudor Dynasty (1485–1603)
    Through our direct ties to the Plantagenets, we are also linked to the Tudor Dynasty, which forever changed England and its place in the world. The Tudor reign, from Henry VII to Elizabeth I, is marked by monumental events like the establishment of the Church of England, global exploration, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

The marriage of Henry VII to Elizabeth of York brought the Tudor and Yorkist houses together, forever intertwining our family with one of the most storied periods in British history.

  • Valois Dynasty (1328–1589)
    The Valois Dynasty of France, another chapter in our royal lineage, descended from the Capetians and rivaled the Plantagenets during the Hundred Years’ War. Through numerous alliances, marriages, and treaties, our ancestors moved between the courts of France and England.

The Valois legacy shaped France during the Renaissance and paved the way for the Bourbons, another royal house to which we are tied.

  • Bourbon Dynasty (1589–1792, 1814–1830)
    The Bourbon Dynasty, rulers of France and Spain, is one of the most far-reaching noble houses in European history, and our connections to them run deep. From Louis XIV, the Sun King, to Philip V of Spain, our bloodline touches the crowns of two of Europe’s greatest powers.

The House of Bourbon ruled during pivotal moments in European history, from the height of French absolutism to the age of revolution. It is through this royal house that we find our place in the courts of both France and Spain.

  • Stuart Dynasty (1603–1714)
    The Stuarts united the crowns of England and Scotland, and through their line, we hold yet another royal connection. James I of England, our ancestor, ruled over both nations, creating the foundation for what would later become the United Kingdom.

The Stuarts played a crucial role in shaping British history, and their descendants continue to influence the monarchy today.

  • House of Hanover (1714–1901)
    Through our ties to the Stuart and Tudor lines, we are connected to the House of Hanover, the German dynasty that succeeded the Stuarts on the British throne. The Hanoverians ruled during Britain’s colonial expansion and the Industrial Revolution, with figures like George I and Queen Victoria shaping the empire.
  • Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1901–1917)
    As the Hanover line evolved, the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family rose, and it was through Prince Albert, consort to Queen Victoria, that this German house merged with the British monarchy. We are proud to trace our lineage through this family, who ruled during the height of the British Empire.
  • House of Mountbatten-Windsor (from 1917)
    Today, our royal lineage finds its modern expression through the House of Mountbatten-Windsor, the reigning British royal family. Through our connections to the Windsors, we are directly tied to Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants, cementing our ongoing role in European royalty.

Additional Royal Connections:
Bonaparte Dynasty: Through marriage alliances with the Bourbons and other noble houses, we are linked to the Bonaparte family, whose empire once spanned much of Europe.

Grimaldi Family: Tied to the Bourbons and European royalty, we are connected to the ruling family of Monaco, the Grimaldi’s, through shared ancestry in the courts of France and Spain.

Habsburg Dynasty: Our lineage also traces through the powerful Habsburgs, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, and Spain, whose vast territories once defined Europe.

Romanov Dynasty: Tied to the Hanoverians and Stuarts, we also find connections to the Romanovs, the last imperial family of Russia.

House of Alarune: A Royal Legacy Across Europe

  • Merovingians: Our royal journey begins with Cloderic the Paricide and the early Frankish kings.
  • Carolingians: Through Charlemagne, our family extends into the rule of Western Europe.
  • Ottonian Dynasty: Connected through our Carolingian ties and later descendants, we inherit a legacy from the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Capetians: The French Capetian dynasty forms another central part of our noble heritage.
  • Plantagenets & Edward III: With Edward III, our family became deeply intertwined with English royalty, and through his descendants, we continue across the royal courts of Europe.

Scandinavian & Mediterranean Connections

  • Danish Royal House (Oldenburg): Ties to Denmark’s Oldenburg dynasty solidify our presence in Northern Europe.
  • Swedish Royal House (Vasa): Our lineage extends into the Swedish Vasa line, further enriching our Scandinavian heritage.
  • Spanish Royal Family (Habsburgs): We share bloodlines with the Habsburgs of Spain, contributing to our Mediterranean legacy.
  • Italian Royal House (Savoy): Our connection to Italy’s House of Savoy strengthens our ties to the unification of Italy and its monarchy.

Further Connections

Our bloodline extends into other major royal houses, including those of Portugal, Hungary, Poland, and the modern House of Windsor, carrying forward into today.

In Conclusion
The House of Alarune is not just a relic of history; it stands today as a present-day royal house, carrying the legacy of Europe’s greatest royal dynasties into the future. From the Merovingians and Carolingians, through the Plantagenets, Tudors, and Capetians, to the modern House of Windsor, our legacy is one of power, influence, and enduring nobility. Our family’s bloodline touches nearly every crown in Europe, and through our ancestors, we continue to honor the royal traditions that have shaped history.

We are the living heirs of this legacy, and as the House of Alarune, we proudly stand as a modern royal house, with our noble heritage carrying forward into the present and beyond.